Stewart L. Mulford
Stewart L. Mulford
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Stewart L. Mulford
Mulford Cost Management, LLC
Stewart Mulford has over 30 years experience in construction cost estimating and project management. During the last five years he has estimated over 400 separate projects ranging in value from below $1 million to over $100 million. These projects cover a variety of building categories such as: educational, multi family residential, healthcare, laboratory, college, office, medical, judicial, student dorm, parking structure, gymnasiums, police station, fire station, religious facility, retail, supermarket, theater and projects of an historic significance. He has also been involved in some high profile projects during his time in the Washington DC area. These notable projects include the $700 million Ronald Reagan building on Pennsylvania Avenue, the renovation of the cast iron dome over the US Capitol building including the renovation of the Rotunda, and also the renovations of the Washington DC Botanical Gardens.
As president of Mulford Cost Management, LLC, Stewart Mulford is responsible for the day to day activities relating to all work products of the office along with duties relating to marketing and client relationships. He also has substantial experience in construction management having previously worked in the contracting community with a medium sized contractor and with one of the country’s largest construction management and construction groups. This well-rounded experience has led to a broad understanding of all aspects of the construction industry from conceptual design stage through final project completion. A thorough knowledge of construction components allows him to estimate all the construction trades including site work, structural, architectural, mechanical, plumbing and electrical work elements.